He implementado el modulo para twitter en el sitio. Ahora cuando creo un post se va a publicar también en twitter.
No he visto todavía su funcionamiento pero con este post probare.
Del sitio de Drupal
This module provides API integration with the Twitter microblogging service and API-compatible alternatives like Identi.ca. Out of the box, it allow users to: 1. Associate one of more Twitter accounts with their Drupal user account. 2. Have their tweets displayed in a sidebar block or on their user profile. 3. Post to their own Twitter account or a site-wide Twitter account whenever they create new content. Full Views integration is supported, allowing administrators to create customized listings of Twitter messages based on time, date, author, etc. The module's default "Latest Twitter messages" block and "This user's Twitter messages" profile page were created with Views, and can be customized and themed as desired. A "Post to Twitter" action is provided for use with tools like Triggers and Workflow, and an input filter is provided to turn Twitter @username references into links, and #hashtags into links to search.twitter.com.